2020 Winners

  • Menzies School of Health Research (Community Benefit Award in partnership with DXC Technology)
  • Rahul Shokeen (ICT Rising Star of the Year in partnership with the NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade)
  • Jeroen Schijvenaars ( Minister's NT Digital Excellence Gold Award and AISA Cyber Security professional of the Year)
  • Digitally Buzzed (ICT Project of the Year in partnership with HP)
  • Damien Charles (ACS ICT Professional of the Year)
  • Minister Hon. Paul Kirby
  • New Future IT (ICTNT ICT Business of the Year)
  • National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (Best Digital Covid Response in Partnership with Kinetic IT)
  • Deepak Dhiman and Abhishek Arora (CDU Code Fair - Overall Award for Most Outstanding Entrant)
  • Tim Davis (STEM Student of the Year in partnership with NEC)

Unable to attend: Liam Green (itSMF Service Management Champion of the Year)

ACS ICT Professional of the Year

Damien Charles, NEC

Damien Charles, NEC

As the NEC's lead in the NT, Damien has demonstrated influence, autonomy and business skills.

His foresight in Business Continuity Planning enable NEC to have plans in place for a pandemic, which has been successfully implemented this year. Damien has had a strong role in developing and training young trainees and University cadets, so they can then be readily employed in the ICT industry.

Damien has continued to develop his leadership abilities through undertaking a Master of Leadership and is recognised by the Australian Computer Society as a MACS CP Senior professional.

AISA Cyber Security Professional of the Year

Jeroen Schijvenaars, NEC

Jeroen Schijvenaars, NEC

Jeroen has demonstrated excellence and dedication to the cyber security industry.

His dedication to continual development to be a leading expert and best in his field is a huge standout. He has numerous certifications that are recognised worldwide. His level of expertise is a rarity for the NT and he has huge responsibilities in developing strategies, framework, policies and implementing these for the NT Government and other customers.

He is also a major contributor to the industry with examples such as organising competitions for CDU, assist in the learning and development of emerging students and is a member of AISA.

Best Digital Covid Response in Partnership with Kinetic IT

National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre

National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre

The National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre faced a challenge of delivering critical services to the communities all over the NT, whilst allowing for collaboration and communication between over 120 government departments, NGO's and other organisations.

The system was delivered in 8 days and was also used in the Victorian aged care response centre. It is currently being used at the Howard Springs facility. Howard Springs only had 12 days’ notice to get setup.

The system prevented deaths from occurring, whilst delivering economic benefits such as streamlining services and communications between agencies and organisation.

Community Benefit Award in partnership with DXC Technology

Menzies School of Health Research

Menzies School of Health Research

Kidney disease in Australia disproportionally affects remote living Indigenous Australians, who experience end-stage kidney disease six times that of non-Indigenous Australians.

Menzies School of Health Research have developed and implemented Territory Kidney Care which is an innovative clinical information system that uses powerful analytics to assist with the early identification and best-practice management of kidney disease. 

Territory Kidney Care is a unique world leading clinical information system that provides clinical decision support for direct patient care. The system has been adopted by the NT Department of Health and has been implemented across the Territory with partnering agencies.

ICT NT ICT Business of the Year

>New Future IT

New Future IT

With a simple business proposition New Future is gaining a solid customer base across the NT and into South Australia. 
Anybody who has met the directors of New Future will know these guys are passionate. With a mission to provide Opportunity through Technology for young aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, New Future is doing just that. 
Employing a customer come first model the business has developed allowing them to employ and train their indigenous staff.

ICT Project of the Year in partnership with HP

Digitally Buzzed

Digitally Buzzed

Digitally Buzzed built an Augmented Reality experience and mobile app for the Darwin Street Art Festival. The app with Augmented Reality was created to showcase all of the street art and murals around Darwin, where a user can view an interactive map to find the street art and alert them to any artworks that is nearby their current location.

The objective of the project was to promote the artworks within Darwin, the local artists and to get people out and about within the community.

ICT Rising Star of the Year in partnership with NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Rahul Shokeen, Cloudstreet Consulting

Rahul Shokeen, Cloudstreet Consulting

Rahul whilst being new to the NT (arrived in 2017) quickly establish himself as a technologist with analyst and leadership skills.

He’s worked on a government COVID-19 border pass initiative, a road defects mobility solution for East Arnhem, a business case for data enablement for Tourism NT and is one of Darwin’s very select Microsoft Certified Trainers. 

Rahul presents on topics like Speech to Text automation and Power BI Platform, has contributed to the NT ICT industry by setting up a Learning Management System supporting over 1000 students during COVID and the venture goals of over 20 new AI start-ups.

itSMF Service Management Champion of the Year

Liam Green, Kinetic IT

Liam Green, Kinetic IT

Liam clearly demonstrates an ongoing commitment to service management over a substantial period of time. Identified himself as a service management professional and a manager, a mentor and a leader. 

Liam has substantial and demonstrated training and knowledge in ITIL, Service Integration and Management and is clearly focused on continual improvement.

Liam actively participates in Kinetic's national community of Service Management practice and in local itSMF committee and events.

STEM Student of the Year in partnership with NEC

Tim Davis, Palmerston College

Tim Davis, Palmerston College

Tim is not only shining star of the future, but he is already one today, having won many awards for during his school life in mathematics and recently a Certificate of Excellence for Industrial and Entrepreneurial Solutions.

Outside of school he is also co-caption of the junior volleyball team the Volleybees and loves programming where he is researching computer graphics techniques using modern graphics API’s such as Vulkan.

Tim is a tutor for year 11 STEM classes where he takes great pride in being able to assist his younger peers. This experience is shaping Tim’s future as he sees his future in teaching.

CDU Code Fair - Overall Award for Most Outstanding Entrant

Deepak Dhiman and Abhishek Arora.

Deepak Dhiman and Abhishek Arora.

Minister's NT Digital Excellence Gold Award

Jeroen Schijvenaars, NEC

Jeroen Schijvenaars, NEC